Cyber Insurance Course

3 General/Adjuster – Technical CE Credits

New Cyber Insurance Course now available to all ILScorp General CE and Adjuster CE Subscribers

During this online course we will begin by discussing recent changes made to the Personal Information Protection Electronic and Documents Act. This is a natural spring board when discussing cyber insurance with clients.  Next, we will briefly look at today’s cyber insurance market place to review common challenges.

Then we will roll up our sleeves and get into the actual coverage forms most common in our market.

Data Compromise Coverage, Computer Attack Coverage and Network Security Liability Coverage are the three major coverage form topics

Cyber insurance coverages are some of the newest innovations in the insurance industry.  As the criminal element becomes more proficient, the insurance industry has responded.  As with all new products, there will be challenges and changes forthcoming. This course looks at a few of the major issues facing us today.

Cyber losses are really just a new type of crime loss.  Some policies are beginning to include cyber losses within their wordings.  Many are just silent on the topic.  Because automation is playing a roll in many parts of business operations, insurers may be inadvertently providing coverage unintentionally.  Broad insuring agreements in both property and liability wordings may be the culprit.

To learn more about the new Cyber Insurance course click on the button below.

More Info
Cyber Insurance

Credit Hours: 3
Credit Type: General/Adjuster – Technical and RIBO – Technical
Credit #: AIC#50977;MB32089
Accrediting Provinces: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON



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