Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

On St Patrick’s Day it is customary to wear shamrocks and/or green clothing or accessories. If you don’t, beware, you may be pinched!  ILScorp is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with our feature green courses!

From mold insurance, to marijuana grow ops and money laundering… CE accredited for general, adjuster, life/A&S or ChAD, we’ve got your green covered!

Check out these green online courses as part of your ILScorp General CE Subscription / Adjuster CE Subscription / ChAD UFC Subscription / or Life/A&S Subscription today


What you Need to Know about Marijuana Grow Ops   

This course discusses the effects of marijuana grow operations on the insurance industry and individuals, specifically property owners who have seen their homes and other revenue properties literally destroyed by the criminals who use them to house these illegal operations..


Marijuana Grow Operations

Risks and Hazards of the Grow-Op

Insurance Implications

Risk Management for Landlords and Neighbors

Credit Hours: 1

Credit Type: General/Adjuster – Technical


View All ILS Green Courses


Mold Insurance Part 1

Topics to be discussed include:

1. Mold – Old, But Here to Stay

2. The Growing Issue – Mold in the Spotlight

3. The Rise of Mold-Related Cases and Claims in Canada

4. Detection and Restorative Action Risk Management Techniques

Credit Hours: 3

Credit Type: General/Adjuster – Technical


Mold Insurance Part 2

In this course, we will look the impact of mold on insurers and litigators, first party property claims, third party liability claims and case studies.

Topics to be discussed include:

1. Mold – A Problem for Insurers and Litigators

2. Policy Issues

3. Litigation Cases in North America

4. The Future of Mold Claims and Cases

Credit Hours: 3

Credit Type: General/Adjuster – Technical


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