ILScorp Blog

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Mold, marijuana and money. All things green for St. Patrick’s Day

Mold, marijuana and money. All things green for St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

On St Patrick’s Day it is customary to wear shamrocks and/or green clothing or accessories. If you don’t, beware, you may be pinched! ILScorp is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with our feature green courses!

From mold insurance, to marijuana grow ops and money laundering… CE accredited for general, adjuster, life/A&S or ChAD, we’ve got your green covered!

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Over 80% of students who prepare to write their CAIB exams with the ILS CAIB exam prep courses are successful!

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What is covered in the ILS CAIB exam prep courses?

The ILS CAIB exam prep courses are video streamed online, and divided into easy-to-manage chapters. Each chapter has internal practice quizzes, as well as end of chapter mock exams. Each course includes a downloadable workbook, mock midterm, and a mock final exam to help reinforce your knowledge retention.

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How to Deal with Workplace Bullying

How to Deal with Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying can have long lasting mental and physical effects on workers. Bullying can be anything from ostracizing victims to spreading rumours and betraying trust. But studies are showing that the younger generation of workers may be changing the attitudes towards workplace bullying.

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Ahead of Valentine’s Day, Financial Tips for Couples

Ahead of Valentine’s Day, Financial Tips for Couples

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, a top 10 list of financial tips designed to assist couples in achieving their financial goals. Given the significant role that financial matters play in couples’ lives—with the average couple discussing money 20 times a year—the tips provide a blueprint that will help couples avoid common mistakes and manage their finances in a way that suits both partners.

“As every couple knows, it’s important to be on the same page when it comes to money,” said Jeff Tulloch, vice president at MetLife Premier Client Group. “With Valentine’s Day approaching, we wanted to share some simple tips that can help contribute to a sound financial future for couples—and a sound relationship.”

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Patriots Fans receive 25% off select CE Subscriptions!

Patriots Fans receive 25% off select CE Subscriptions!

QB Tom Brady

“It’s been a long journey. It’s just a great win. We left it all on the field.”

New England Patriots fans everywhere celebrated their team’s come-from-behind victory in Sunday’s Super Bowl! At ILScorp the celebration continues for all PatsFan’s! Today is the last day for you to get a Quarter Back! Complete your CE requirements and save 25% off select CE Course Subscriptions. Get access to hundreds of hours of provincially accredited insurance training online courses in both text and streaming video formats. CE Course Subscriptions are your best value, you save money compared to purchasing individual courses, plus today only save an additional 25%! Save time and money by completing your continuing education requirements entirely online, no paperwork or commute.

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Super Bowl Savings! Save 25% Off

Super Bowl Savings! Save 25% Off

The 2015 Super Bowl is coming!
Super Bowl savings: 25% off three of our most popular CE Course Subscriptions till Monday, February 2nd! With ILScorp’s CE Course Subscriptions, get access to hundreds of hours of provincially accredited insurance training online courses in both text and streaming video formats. CE Course Subscriptions are your best value, you save money compared to purchasing individual courses! Save time and money by completing your continuing education requirements entirely online, no paperwork or commute.

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AODA Compliance in 2015: Are You Up to Date?

AODA Compliance in 2015: Are You Up to Date?

AODA Compliance Update: January 1, 2015, Requirements

Adding to those AODA requirements under the Customer Service and general requirements under Integrated Accessibility Standards that are already in force, effective January 1, 2015, a number of additional requirements came into force.

By January 1, 2015, all employees and others providing services on behalf of a large organization must receive training on the Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities and the Integrated Standards.
By January 1, 2015, large organizations must ensure that their feedback processes can be administered in accessible formats and with communication supports, upon request.
By January 1, 2015, small organizations must ensure have developed and implemented accessibility policies describing how the organization will achieve accessibility and compliance with the Integrated Standards. These policies do not have to be in writing, however, how are you going to communicate these policies to the public or employees if they are not in writing? Something to think about!
By January 1, 2015, small organizations must have regard to accessibility issues when designing, procuring or acquiring self-service kiosk.
Producers (publishers) and educational libraries must under the Information and Communication standard that is part of the Integrated Standard, whether large or small must make conversion ready educational textbooks. Exceptions do apply.

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Free to all ILScorp General Insurance and Adjuster CE Subscribers!

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New Course: Introduction to Insurance Fraud

As long as there has been insurance, fraud and deception have co-existed. There has always been an element of society prone to trying to obtain benefits they are not entitled to. Most would agree there will always be a percentage of insurance claims deemed fraudulent. This means the goal is to discourage fraud. Awareness, knowledge and training are tools that can be used to limit fraud.

Web pages are full of headline-making insurance scams. In the stories that abound are found examples of frauds from every category of insurance. So long as wealth changes hand, they will be those who attempt to wrongfully seize a portion of this.

The objective of ILScorp’s new online course Introduction to Insurance Fraud is to provide skills and training for employees on the topic of insurance fraud. This course provides information on techniques for identifying the common signs of fraud. It also supplies information on the behaviors associated with these types of actions.

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7 New Year’s Resolutions to make you a better Insurance Broker

7 New Year’s Resolutions to make you a better Insurance Broker

It’s a new year –and with a new year, comes New Year’s resolutions. Most of us make plans to be healthier, drink less or read more but what about on a professional level? How many of us make professional New Year’s resolutions?

As you reflect on your results for 2014, using the beginning of a new year is a great excuse to make some professional resolutions.

Here are 7 New Year’s Resolutions you can use to make yourself a better broker:

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