As announced in the spring, the ChAD has requested amendments to the Regulation respecting the compulsory professional development of the Chambre de l’assurance de dommages to the Finance Minister.

It’s official: amendments have been accepted and came into force on August 30, 2023.

Here are the key points to remember:

  1. Elimination of the grace period and the reference period ends on March 31 of an even-numbered year.

The current reference period (2022-2023) is extended to March 31, 2024. Hence, it has an exceptional duration of 27 months.

As of April 1, 2024, reference periods will begin on April 1 in an even-numbered year rather than January 1 and are to last 24 months (for example, the following reference period will run from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2026).

The grace period is eliminated.  

  • Training activities offered between January and March 2024

Training activities offered between January and March 2024 will count towards the current reference period (2022-2023). Training activities given on or after April 1, 2024, will count towards the following reference period (2024-2026). A maximum of five professional development units (PDUs) may be transferred to the new reference period starting April 1, 2024.  

  • Recognition of the “customer service” competency

The amended regulation now allows us to recognize the “customer service” competency in the “professional development” category. It includes, for example, learning how to express oneself, to listen, and to manage a conversation with a customer in specific situations. Recognition of training activities that will include this competency will always be subject to our analysis of the demand.

  • Asynchronous training (will be effective on March 1, 2024)

An asynchronous online training can be recognized if it incorporates features to monitor the duration and if the participant is subject to active learning activities (for example, questions to be answered regularly during the training activity).

ChAD Accredited Online Courses

News regarding ÉduChAD 

Finally, another notable change will mark the autumn: the ChAD is getting a new portal that will include an improved version of the ÉduChAD platform. Work is underway.

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