ILScorp Blog

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PDUs not showing on your CSF Member’s Area PDU record?

Deadline for CSF PDU requirements is Monday November 30, 2015. As we quickly approach the CSF deadline, many of our ILScorp CSF subscribers are wondering why their completed CSF PDU’s are not showing in their Member’s Area PDU Record on the Chambre de la Securite Financiere Website.

Your completed PDU’s will not show immediately on the CSF website as they are updated on a monthly basis. ILScorp sends a report to the Chambre de la Securite at beginning of each month, for all PDUs completed in the previous month

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All I want for Christmas is a new career in insurance

Check your new career in insurance off your Christmas list! Get your Level 1 General Insurance License by December 11th with just 5 days of live immersion training in Vancouver BC.
ILS Introduction to General Insurance Level 1 Licensing Program
Live Immersion Class – December 7 – 11, 2015

Class starts Monday December 7 at BCIT in Vancouver BC. Your final level 1 general insurance licensing exam is included in the program and will be proctored and written in class on Friday December 11, 2015.

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Four new courses in English and French, totaling 10 NEW Compliance/Conformite PDU credits, just added to the ILS CSF PDU Subscription.

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NEW CSF Compliance Courses Added to your ILS CSF Subscription

Four new courses in English and French, totaling 10 NEW Compliance/Conformite PDU credits, just added to the ILS CSF PDU Subscription. You have less than 2 weeks to complete your 10 PDU’s in CSF compliance with standards, ethics and business conduct. ILScorp just added a total of 10 new CSF Compliance PDU’s to your subscription of CSF courses!

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ChAD PDUs earned for taking the same training maximum of two times

ChAD PDUs earned for taking the same training maximum of two times

Limit on the number of PDUs earned for taking the same training. Since February 19, 2014, members may earn PDUs for taking the same training a maximum of two times, as long as the training is taken during two different reference periods. Consequently, a member who has already earned PDUs twice for the same training will not earn any further PDUs if he or she takes this training once again.

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Did you know you can purchase your insurance CE courses online at anytime?

The ILScorp offices will be closed Wednesday November 11, Remembrance Day, to remember and honour those who have, and who continue to make sacrifices for our country.

Although the offices are closed you can purchase and renew your CE courses online at anytime through the ILScorp website.
How do I purchase and register for online insurance courses?

All of our online provincial insurance licensing courses, exam preparation courses and continuing education courses can be purchased through our website using your credit card.

To renew your CE Course Subscription or to register/purchase any of our online courses simply:

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What is a professional development unit (PDU)?

A professional development unit or “PDU” is the quantitative value attributed to a training activity recognized by the Chambre de la Securite Financiere – CSF. One (1) PDU represents one (1) hour of training.

Can extra PDUs be carried over to the next period?

A representative can carry over up to 5 extra PDUs to the next reference period if the PDUs were accumulated in the last three months of a reference period, between September 1 and November 30 of an odd year. Carrying over extra PDUs must be done by the representative by logging in to their secure PDU record, through the Chambre de la Securite Financiere website in the Members’ Area.

How do I register for distance training?

You can purchase the training activities accredited by CSF offered by ILScorp here.

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National Stress Awareness Day

National Stress Awareness Day

The 17th National Stress Awareness Day, which is held to celebrate helping people to beat stress is Wednesday 4 November 2015. The theme this year is “Employee well being as a worthwhile investment in your business”.

Do you know the main reasons for stress at work?

Situations that are likely to cause stress are those that are unpredictable or uncontrollable, uncertain, ambiguous or unfamiliar, or involving conflict, loss or performance expectations. Stress may be caused by time limited events, such as the pressures of examinations or work deadlines, or by ongoing situations, such as family demands, job insecurity, or long commuting journeys. Depression and issues from work are one of the main causes of stress.

Resources that help meet the pressures and demands faced at work include personal characteristics such as coping skills (for example, problem solving, assertiveness, time management) and the work situation such as a good working environment and social support. These resources can be increased by investment in work infrastructure, training, good management and employment practices, and the way that work is organized.

ILScorp offers the following training to help manage stress in the workplace.

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New Harmonized LLQP for 2016.

New Harmonized LLQP for 2016.

As of January 1, 2016, a new life licensing qualification program will be in effect called the Harmonized LLQP (HLLQP). This program will be implemented across Canada (including Quebec). As a result of this regulatory change, all students currently registered in the existing ILScorp LLQP Program must register with their provincial insurance council and pass the provincial LLQP final licensing exam by December 31, 2015.

(Please note, you must complete the online LLQP course material, and pass the course Certification exam BEFORE you register and challenge the provincial licensing exam with your insurance council)

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