ILScorp Blog
The latest and greatest info from ILScorp!Technical CE Credits for BC Insurance Licensees
What are technical CE credits? If you are a Level 1 or Level 2 licensee, the only qualifying insurance continuing education is technical material directly related to General insurance products, compliance with insurance legislation and licensee requirements such as council Rules, Council’s Code of Conduct, the Insurance Act, and privacy legislation.
Don’t Delay – Enter your Manitoba Continuing Education (CE) Credits today
Don’t leave the entry of your completed Manitoba Continuing Education credits until the last minute. Enter credits upon completion and allow the Insurance Council of Manitoba’s on-line CE system to to track how many CE credits you have completed, remind/inform you of how many more credits are required to renew your license and simplify your on-line renewal.
RIBO CE – What you need to know to keep your license
Whether you’re new to the insurance industry or are an experienced veteran, its critical to understand how continuing education (CE) requirements work. Basically, your CE credits, or lack thereof, have a major impact on whether you’re able to keep your RIBO license and make a living from insurance or not. The consequences for non-compliance and neglecting to keep your RIBO CE credits up to date can be disastrous!
New ChAD Compliance Courses
All ILScorp ChAD PDU Subscribers now have access to 2 new ChAD Compliance courses. These courses invite you to have a close look at the Quebec insurance act entitled the Act Respecting the Distribution of Financial Products and Services. The objective of these courses is to assist you in using the Act itself as a reference when you need it.
Cyber Insurance Course – New General CE
New Cyber Insurance Course now available to all ILScorp General CE and Adjuster CE Subscribers. During this online course we will begin by discussing recent changes made to the Personal Information Protection Electronic and Documents Act. This is a natural spring board when discussing cyber insurance with clients. Next, we will briefly look at today’s cyber insurance market place to review common challenges. Then we will roll up our sleeves and get into the actual coverage forms most common in our market.
Continuing Education RIBO Requirements
RIBO Continuing education requirements vary by license and experience. All licensees must complete a minimum of 1 hour in the RIBO Ethics CE category, Principal brokers and deputy principal brokers can not submit RIBO Personal Skills CE, must complete a minimum of 5 hours in the RIBO Management CE Category.
New Courses Approved for Ethics CE Training
Three new courses have been approved by the Life Insurance Council of Saskatchewan as ethics CE training. Resident Life and Accident & Sickness; and Accident & Sickness Licensees are required to complete a Council approved ethics CE course totaling at least three hours in duration.
Your chances of being audited are high if…
Did you know that the insurance councils of Alberta will audit licensees who complete their CE at, or near, the end of the renewal deadline? So, If you leave your continuing education completion to the last minute, you’re likely to be audited. When do you need your CE credits by?Life and Accident & Sickness insurance agents, General insurance agents and Adjusters in Alberta are required to complete in each certificate term at least 15 hours of approved continuing education courses. A “certificate term” means the period beginning on July 1 and ending on the next June 30.To sum it up, if you’re completing your CE requirements in the last 2 weeks of June, expect a call from council.
Virtual Classrooms Starting soon for CAIB Exam Prep
Virtual Classrooms fast track your career advancement opportunitiesIf advancing your career is dictated by your higher education accomplishments, then you take the courses you need to upgrade your knowledge and skills. Earning your CAIB designation doesn’t have to mean years of study time, instead, the time you invest could only be months.