Final days for the deadline for the CSF reference period of December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2017.

Did you know you can enter your PDUs on your CSF PDU record?

Here is how  you enter the PDUs obtained for training activities into your PDU record on the CSF website.

You can enter the proof of presence to training activities on the CSF’s website through a secure access in the Members’ Area section.

To activate their online member record, the member must go to the Members’ Area page, click on Activate your membership under the yellow authentication square, and follow the instructions.

Once the Member’s Area is activated, the member will be able to access his PDU record.

The member can enter the PDUs by:

  1. Opening a session on the Members’ Area by entering their certificate number and password
  2. Click on “To consult your PDU record, click here”
  3. Click on Enter activities
  4. Enter the identification number of the training activity. The number is listed on the proof of presence issued by the person responsible for the training activity. It contains 11 to 12 characters and is similar to CSF00-00-00000
  5. Enter the date when the training activity took place
  6. Enter your name and specify the PDU category
  7. Click on “Save”

The member can add training activities or delete them if they were erroneously added by mistake. When they have finished entering the PDUs, the member is encouraged to print the page and keep it until the information entered has been transferred to their PDU record.

It’s important to keep any proof of presence to training activities for 24 months following the reference period during which the activity took place, because the CSF will periodically check with members. Upon request by the CSF, the member must send their proofs of presence within 30 days.



The Regulation of the Chambre de la sécurité financière respecting compulsory professional development applies to every professional holding an authorization issued by the Autorité des marchés financiers allowing him to practise in any of the following sectors and registration categories:

  • Group savings plan brokerage;
  • Scholarship plan brokerage;
  • Insurance of persons;
  • Group insurance of persons.

A representative must accumulate the following professional development units (PDUs):

  • 10 PDUs in general subjects;
  • 10 PDUs in compliance with standards, ethics and business conduct*;
  • 10 PDUs in topics specific to each sector or registration category in which he is authorized to pursue activities

The member can prove they participated in a training activity and enter the PDUs into their record by entering the proof of presence either:

  • Online in their PDU Record in the Members’ Area
  • By fax, at 514-282-3418
  • By email, at
  • By mail at: Chambre de la sécurité financière, 2000, McGill College avenue, 12th floor, Montréal, (Quebec) H3A 3H3


Online Accredited CSF Courses Here



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