CAIB Exam Prep, and Level 1 Licensing Virtual Classroom 4 week programs start Monday July 20th, 2015.  Be ready to write your CAIB 1, 2, 3, or 4 exam or your Introduction to General Insurance Level 1 Licensing Final exam by August 14.


Student Benefits of an ILScorp Virtual Classroom Program

Daily Assisted Learning Virtual Classrooms with ILScorp

Moderated by long-time insurance educator Todd Hochban, the ILS Virtual Classroom Programs prepare you to write your insurance licensing exam in just four weeks, sending your insurance career to new heights!

Daily Assisted Learning Calendar

To keep you on track, we provide a study calendar that breaks down the insurance training courses into easy-to-manage daily study modules.

Online Video Courses

It’s like having your own private tutor with the added benefit of being able to pause, rewind and review at the touch of a button.

Online Discussion Forum

Have a question, ask the instructor! Post questions, review answers and really think about what you’re learning.

Weekly Practice Exams

Weekly practice exams simulate a real-exam environment so students are comfortable with the process.

Review Videos

Summarizes material covered. An extra study tool that you can come back to again and again!

Live Customer Support

Yes REAL PEOPLE! No telephone trees or unanswered emails.

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