Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act - AODA
AODA Compliance in 2016: Are You Up to Date?
Update: JULY 1, 2016 Requirements
The Ontario Government announced that, commencing July 1, 2016, there will be some significant changes to the Customer Service Standard under the AODA.
ILScorp’s online AODA training course includes the mandated information and provides proof of training. This is a quick and easy way to train those staff, volunteers, and Board Members who will be required receive it. This course also qualifies for 1 RIBO Management CE hour.
Organizations including law firms are cautioned to comply with AODA and its regulations as significant penalties can be imposed for non-compliance.
Under this landmark legislation, the government of Ontario will develop mandatory accessibility standards that will identify, remove and prevent barriers for people with disabilities in key areas of daily living. The standards will apply to private and public sector organizations across Ontario.
Course Topics Include:
Introduction to AODA Ontario
The Wording of Law
Organizations with Fewer than 20 employees
Organizations with More than 20 employees
Summary & Schedule of Requirements